How to Get Rid of Skunk Smell From Your Dog

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Effective-Skunk-Spray-Remedy-For-Dogs-In-Case-Your-Lab-Gets-SkunkedDogs are fluffy, cute, and man’s best friend, but sometimes their curiosity gets the best of them.  no pet parent wants to deal with a dog that’s just been sprayed by a skunk. The smell is strong and you definite don’t want it in your house.  But rather than keep your furry friend outside, here are ways to help get rid of the smell.


Tomato Juice


Tomato juice is the first thing that pops into mind when you need to get rid of skunk smell.  It’s an old time remedy used for ages.  Though what many people don’t realize is that tomato juice doesn’t really work all that well.  Unlike some homemade remedies, tomato juice only masks the smell of skunk.  It doesn’t neutralize or eliminate it.  So before wasting money on lots of tomato juice, take a look at some of the more effective ways.


A Mixture Solution

This is the one most people don’t think of first and usually don’t know about it until they do some research or stumble upon it.  It has no official name, but it is a mixture of different things that can be found around your home.  You’ll need 3% hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and liquid detergent.


Combine one quart of hydrogen peroxide, one quarter cup of baking soda, and one teaspoon or more of liquid detergent.  These measurement don’t have to be perfect and can be better proportioned to fit the size of your dog.


When you wash this onto your dog’s fur, don’t let it sit long or you may bleach their fur.  Also try to keep this from getting in their eyes and mouth.  After you scrub it into their fur, rinse them off then wash them normally.  Dry them off and check to see if they still smell.


This mixture should get rid of most or all of the smell because it both neutralizes and eliminates the smell.


Vanilla Extract

This is another old time remedy to skunk smell.  It’s as simple as mixing about a cup of vanilla extract and a gallon of water together.  Again these measurements can be changed to better suit the size of your dog.  All you need to do is wet down your dog and apply the solution.  Let it sit for about 10 minutes then rinse it off and wash your dog.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Made with two parts water and one part apple cider vinegar.  Mix the two together and set it off to the side, but have it nearby.  Thoroughly rinse and wet your dog’s coat.  After that add the cider solution to the fur and let it sit for around five minutes.  Be sure to not get any in the dog’s eyes or it will sting.  Rinse the solution out and wash them normally with shampoo.


Skunk Specific Shampoo, Spray, or Soaker

Things like this can be found in a local pet store, vets office, or some place that carries pet supplies.  Look for shampoos and specifically look for one formulated for skunk odor.  It is easiest to find skunk odor shampoo in places where skunks are typically found, but it is best to keep some nearby and on hand.


Keeping Your Dog From Getting Sprayed Again

Skunks are nocturnal animals which means they normally come out at night.  If you keep some solar lights in your backyard that may keep them away because they shy away from the light.


Another way is to put a leash on your dog and keep them from getting too curious.  Walk them around your yard at night to keep them from poking around too much if you don’t want them to get sprayed.


De-skunking Your Dog


Before jumping into washing your dog right away, you want to do a few checks on them and have a set up before starting.  It will help make sure your dog wasn’t hurt and may save you time while washing them.

  1. Check your dog’s mouth.  If they were sprayed in the face they may have been sprayed near or in the mouth.  Skunk spray can cause vomiting along with mouth and throat irritation.  Wipe their mouth with a rage and try to rinse their mouth with water if you think they’ve been sprayed in the mouth.  Keep a lookout for irritation and it should subside within 24 hours if it is seen.
  2. Wash their eyes to reduce the chance of irritation, redness, and in some cases temporary blindness.  If they keep rubbing their eyes or the redness doesn’t go away, take the dog to the vet for treatment to reduce the risk of infection and potential blindness.
  3. Check your dog for bites.  When the skunk sprayed them, they may have been bitten if they were too close.  If there is evidence of a bite of some kind, take the dog to the vets immediately.  The vet will check them for rabies and go from there.
  4. Keep the dog away from other things and if possible keep them outside.  Skunk spray is an oil which means it’ll stick to things and easily transfer and adhere itself to things.  Keeping your dog outside will keep the smell and oils from getting in your home.
  5. Get old towels, put on some old clothes, and get some rubber gloves.  You’ll keep from ruining good clothes and towels in case they can’t be washed.
  6. Time to wash!
  7. Try to locate where your dog has been sprayed.  Usually it’s in a small area on their body.  When you find it, try to wipe and soak up as much of the oil as possible.  You can use paper towels or the old towels you gathered earlier.
  8. Get either the commercial skunk smell remover product or one of the homemade solutions and start washing your dog.  Follow the directions depending on what you choose.
  9. After you wash, rinse, and dry your dog, check again for smells.  It may not work the first time so you might need to repeat the process one or more times.  Just make sure if you do, you use a new clean towel each time you dry them to keep from putting the oils back on them.

How to Get the Smell Off of You

While you’re cleaning and washing your dog you may get the skunk smell on you.  Place your clothes into the washing machine separate from the rest of your laundry.  Wash them like you normally, but add a little ammonia to help eliminate the smell.


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